Fred Marx

cycling photography and other images I feel like sharing

Posts Tagged ‘critical eye

This one or that one…..

with 4 comments

Image has a nasty pink tint from the filter I used. Note to self replace the filter. The filter needed to go from upper right to horizon left. Note to self check twice on things like that so as to avoid blown highlight. Placement of the horizon is debatable. I wanted the feel of empty so I tried to empasize that with sky and foreground. Maybe too much of both.Horizon is tilted slightly to place the let higher than the right.  I could go either way with it.  Everything is leading to the left, so the tilted Horizon doesn’t cause me that much grief.  I like the dark cast to the image.  The light falls off hard to the right and is probably recoverable with additional post process.  Note to self keep working on post as much as you hate it.  Better placement of the ND Filter would have helped that too.  In addition, a higher POV would have placed the reflected clouds further on to the water.  Note to self double check your framing.

Better. Too blue for my liking. More post. Changed crop to de-emphasize the sky and took a bit of the foreground and the blown highlight at left. Played with color balance and recovered some of the EV on the right. Image is better balanced now. Helps that the left isn’t over bright as well since it no longer dominated the eye.

What say you?

Written by fredmarx

May 26, 2010 at 1:13 pm